Sliding Footer Plugin

WordPress Sliding Footer Plugin

This is a SAMPLE of PineconeComputing’s Sliding Footer Plugin. This may not work on all installations/versions of WordPress. Be sure to make a backup of your site files and database before installing this plugin. If you would like us to install and set this up on your WordPress website, please contact Kelly HERE.


This plugin lets you add a sliding footer to a WordPress page.


After you download and install this plugin adding the sliding footer to a page is really easy. Just go to a new page or an existing page and use the following shortcodes…

[footer id=”myfooter”] :::: HTML CODE :::: [/footer]
The HTML CODE would be the content you want to add to the footer tab.

That’s it.


[footer id=’myfooter’ tab=’slider tab text/html’ height=’auto | pixel width’ start=’open | closed’] :::: HTML CODE :::: [/footer]

Attributes let you modify the behavior of the sliders. Attribute values should be enclosed in apostrophes or quotes. Here is a list of the currently supported attributes;

id required, string, alphanumeric, no spaces/punctuation
tab text shown in the slider tab. You can use HTML.
start open – the slider will be open on page load
closed – the slider will be closed on page load. This is the default state.
height height of slider in pixels (eg 100px). Make sure you include ‘px’ in the attribute value. The default is ‘auto’ (autosize to fit content).



click here to download the plugin zip file, then install into WordPress using the standard zip-file plugin installation method.


Look at the bottom right side of this page for the Demo Tab. Click it to open and close it.



This is the Sliding Footer content!
You can have images, text, a video, or an opt in box!

Adjustments can be made to the tab title as well as the slider body colors.
Add as much or as little content as you want and adjust the height of the slider as needed.